You Think You Have Time

Recently I attended a memorial service for a friend. She was vibrant and full of good juju. She was a supreme Mom and was alw...

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Ring the Bell

Once a cancer patient finishes chemotherapy they get to ring a bell and everyone in the clinic cheers for them.

It’s a big d...

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The Unicorn on Your Couch

What if today you spoke to your daughter as if she were a Unicorn?

What if your words were only to tell her she is the wises...

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Kintsugi: Golden Cracks

I have scars.

Physical scars from a massive stroke, a brutal battle with breast cancer and from growing babies in my womb....

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Dough: A Quick Lesson on Money for Kids

When my kids were in 5th and 6th grade I was having a hard time getting them to understand that money doesn’t grow on trees...

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Dads matter.

Take a minute today and thank the father of your kids for being a great dad. Point out exactly what makes him...

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The Secret Celebration of Others’ Failures: Gross

I hold several positions of authority. I am a Mom. I am an instructor. I am a public speaker. I am the director of five bir...

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The Woman in the Mirror

I’m the first to tell you to advocate for your health, both mental and physical. But the last few years, after cancer, I have...

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The Middle: The Doldrums

  • Middle Child
  • Midlife
  • Middle of the Road
  • Middle School
  • Middle Seat
  • Stuck in the Middle

Here’s the deal. All of tho...

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See Him

There are always beggars on the corner by Wal-Mart. Let’s face it, they are on every corner. At every stoplight. Holding sign...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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